Pets Allowed to Visit in Rush University Medical Center in Chicago

However, despite the healing ability of the human-pet relationship, a number of hospitals in the U.S. still refuse to authorize their patients to have even a short visit with their beloved furry family member. Hospital administrators justify their refusal to allow pets for visits with concerns that range from the risk of infection to libel.
But according to The Commercial Appeal, after three years of analysis over logistics, cleanliness and costs and believing that the benefits outweigh the risks, Chicago’s Rush University Medical Center has joined a dozen other hospitals around the country by compassionately opening their doors to allow patients to receive visits from their pets in their rooms.
A patient at Rush University Medical Center who has ovarian cancer expressed her gratitude about being able to spend some quality time with her pet Dachshund said, “It just gives me a little piece of home. It’s just wonderful to have someone to hug and help me deal with things.” I can only imagine the joy of other Rush patients are feeling, being able to spend precious moments with their beloved furry friend.