Homepage Insurance The Simple Solution for Your Schnauzer’s Health


Schnauzers are a dog breed that originated in Germany in the 15th and 16th centuries. The name Schnauzer, which means mustache, was given to the dog because of its bearded snout.

Schnauzers are loving, gentle, loyal, and energetic dogs. They make wonderful pets and great watch dogs. They come in three breeds: giant, standard, and miniature.

Miniature Schnauzers stand about 12 inches high and weigh between 5-13 pounds. Standard Schnauzers are about 18 inches tall and weigh 26-37 pounds. Giant Schnauzers, obviously the largest of the three breeds, usually stand around 24 inches tall and weigh between 75-85 inches tall.

Schnauzers are well known for their distinctive beards and their bushy eyebrows. They have  a double coat which consists of a hard, wiry outer coat and a soft undercoat. They come in salt and pepper, black and silver, or solid black colors.

If you have or are considering getting a Schnauzer, it would be a wise decision to purchase pet health insurance.

Pet insurance can help to defray the costs of veterinary bills and ensure the health of your Schnauzer for years to come. It is better to pay a little now than a lot later on.

GuardMyPet offers affordable pet insurance for your Schnauzer. We have various plans to choose from to suit both your budget and your Schnauzer’s health care needs. Contact us today for a free quote on pet insurance for your Schnauzer.

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